My Mothership is upstairs crying her heart out.
My Nanny H had a stroke, possibly a year, eighteen months ago now, She's recovered pretty well, except she's going senile, and losing her memory.
She can't remember anything, she comes round to our house and picks up the paper, "ooh I havent read a paper in years."
15 minutes later... (after finishing the paper.)
"Oooh is that today's paper? I haven't read a paper in years."
She repeated this little routine about four times before she went home recently.
Things like that are funny, and although irritating, it don't harm no one.
My Mothership and Dad want to build an attic in our house, Its kinda funny thing really when you think that Dad could quite possibly be dead in a few months and outta all the things you'd think he'd wanna do, he wants to build a pond, finish the rockery and have an attic.
So we had plans drawn up, and since Easter have approached The Grandparents H to borrow the money to have it done.
Granddad H hadn't the money to hand but by sorting out his "paperwork" as he calls it he could get his hands on it.
Nanny H had the money sitting in the bank and it was arranged that we would borrow the money off of her and pay in back from January with £500 a month.
We're NOT the kinda of fuckers that'd rob them or cheat them in anyway. We've borrowed money off of them in the past and they know even if it would take us 20 years, we'd find a way of paying the money back.
So Mum got her heart set on the attic, happily choosing colours and bedding and stuff.
Yesterday Uncle M dropped round, asking what we'd do about Nanny, who he said had been getting bad again.
Her memory had improved since she stopped taking the pills, after going to the doctor as her "brain had been leaking from her nose" (In other words, a runny nose.)
He'd put her on other tablets, but Uncle M thinks that they have messed her mind up again and wanted us to all sit down and sort them out, make sure they werent doing anything stupid
We went round today to see how they were.
My Nanny cornered My Mum in the Hallway as soon as she walked through the door.
"You bitch, you've been stealing off of me, you've taken my money, lalala, blah, blah, blah"
Mum and Dad spent the next hour trying to explain that it was alright for them to take the money, that Nanny had agreed with it, we hadn't just stolen the book and helped ourselves and then left an IOU as Nanny seems to think we have.
Anyway We left them to it, Granddad trying to explain (and HIS sanity isn't the best either) to Nanny.
And Mum Cried.
Its not fair, not only have we got Dad to consider, We're been left to deal with them, who are going insane.
Uncle I goes out gets Granddad drunk, even though he can't drink on the pills he's on, Uncle J and M live in Gillingham and Sevenoaks and Aunt G and Uncle D don't really care either way, and like I, leave it up to Mum as she's nearest.
It's not fair on Mum or us and why can't anyone else see it? M and J try to help but they're about 45 mins away and its all down to us, we're the ones running around taking them to the doctors, dealing with Granddad when he gets drunk and I dumps him at our house, we're the ones who come across like the baddies.
- Yes i'm grumpy and annoyed, it didnt help with the Three foxes that were trampolining on the car and screeching for 2 hours last night, from 4.23 am outside MY window.
1 comment:
And in case you're wondering why no-one is comforting her, the last time some one did when she was in that state ended up wearing a 28inch TV....
Or would have if it hadn't been plugged in at the time.
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