Monday, September 20, 2004

Apart from a little trip to Darley Abbey Park, I've been busy unpacking and setting up my printer and scanner and playing stupid buggers on the net.
This is a neat site - one of those wotsits.

So are YOU "The Speed Freak?"
Constant foot to the floor on their “stress accelerator”
Borderline workaholic or perfectionist
Everything must get 110% effort, no matter how (un)important it is
Rapid speech; interrupt others frequently
Periods of deep fatigue after all-out effort
"The Worry Wart"
Have trouble turning off their thoughts
Drive themselves at high RPM, but rarely put themselves in gear for action
Paralysis by analysis; useless wheel spinning worry
Frequent anxiety; tension headaches
Slow to recover or to come down from high-stress situations
"The Drifter"
Tend to shotgun their energy across many options
In perpetual “mid-life crisis”
Often feel dissatisfied; that life is not “adding up”; or that something is seriously missing in their lives
Doubt their existing goals; don’t buy into anything very deeply
"The Loner"
Difficulty in giving or receiving easy, relaxed closeness or intimate sharing
Feel uncomfortable with others; often masked with a smile
Feel lonely, often unfulfilled in relationships
Feel alone in carrying burdens or worries
Often drop out of or cancel social events at the last minute
"Basket Cases"
In constant "energy crisis"
Energy often fades by mid-day
Frequent aches/pains in muscles or joints
Sometimes depressed; feel most activites are too much to do
"Cliff Walkers"
A walking life insurance company "risk factor chart" - high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol misuse, no exercise
Believe "It will never happen to me"
Usually have a somewhat worn appearance
Difficulty sustaining energy

According to that I'm either a "Loner" or "Drifter" type of stresser.

Anyway, I'm toying with the idea of adding pictures to this.
(assuming I can figure it out)
So you all can enjoy such delights as "The View from my window."
"My View at the Valley."
Yes, I can see you all wetting yourselves with excitement now!

1 comment:

Flash said...

I reckon I'm a cliff walking drifter (which is a great first line for a song).