Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Jitsu Freak, kindly helped me out this morning doing a standard deviation graph.
Again, Respect to her!
So I came home, all ready to do battle with the I.S.
Instead I ate half a packet of Jaffa cakes and went to sleep for an hour.
Tomorrow I am going on a field trip. To Kew Gardens.
I have to be in uni by half 7!!!!
This means getting up at half 6.
What The Fuck?!
There are some bonuses to this, it means I score a free(!!) trip to London, and a day out, away from Granddad Alan and the usual dreariness of a full day at uni.
The bad side to this is that:
I have to be up at half 6.
I have to lug E's sister P's birthday present around with me all day, so it will probably be in no fit state for her birthday party on the Friday night.
I have to be up at half 6.
Means I wont get any I.S done on Thursday and Friday.
I had to get my ticket routine disrupted (normally I buy return from Derby, instead its now return from London.)
I have to be up at half 6.
I'm not entirely sure how to get from Kew to Kew tube stop, so its a pretty good chance that i'll get lost.
I have to ride the district line (upminster) to Embarkment, transfer over to Charing Cross and come home this way. *Note* not a complaint, just a reminder to myself.
I have to be up at half 6.

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