Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I've been working at habitat management all day and managed to drag myself down in a depressed misery.
I just feel really bluegh about everything and I can't put one reason down as the main reason that I feel this way, although listening to Snow Patrol doesnt seem to have helped much.
I've also decided that I have fallen in love with a cartoon character.
Have you seen the video to Scissor Sisters "Mary"?
Its not that guy so much, he's far too muscled for me, its just that bit at the end when he goes to kiss her and its blatently her first kiss and she gets a fit of the giggles and then he kisses her on the nose and she's all like "Heeyyy?"
It brings back a few memories for me and yes this is how low I have sunk, I am jealous of a cartoon for having someone willing to transform themselves into an owl for her.
I text LF earlier telling him that He has pushed me so far that I am actually going to be supporting Millwall tonight and that I hope he felt bad that I have that on my conscience as well as all the other shit thats going on.

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