Friday, November 12, 2004

We had our fingers crossed that we'd miss the field trip today, we had it all planned.
For anyone else, we'd have missed it but we all love Granddad Alan.
So if the weather was shitty when we got up, we'd stay home, if it was good we'd go.
And yes, it was lovely and sunny when we got up, and when we got to Hardwick Hall it was cold and cloudy and overcast.
Bastard weather.
Dad was let of off hospital so came and picked me up, which is good. MH has apologised for not being around the last few weeks and is coming over on Sunday.
And LF is coming!
Monday night (for £1 a pint night!) and then we might go see MH in Sheff on Tuesday and then he's going to see his York family on Wednesday.
I can't wait, not only for other reasons, but cos he is such a great person and we always have a laugh

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