Sunday, November 28, 2004

So I came home and then went to see BB, and he very kindly let me sleep with out molesting me too much.
Woke up at 12:50 and realised just how much money I have spent this weekend, if we include the train tickets that I haven't used and the cost of my football ticket if I was buying it on the day, it works out to be about £178 easy, and that was just with the bar recipts that I could find.
No way in hell is LF coming down again, he costs me too much money!
Now H2 wants me to come out later and JF wants me to eat out, trying to let them down, gonna have to have a cheap few weeks I think.
..... Shit its us V Palace this weekend. Another day at Our Beloved Friary there!
Watski. I went on a night out in Mansfield once, its where Lizard works in the Morrison's, I remember getting very drunk and being groped all the time, which I hate, and I started a fight with a lad that grabbed the Lizards tits and then started on two lads that grabbed my ass. Bastards, I'd have decked them if MH and Lizard hadn't had been there.
Actually the funniest part of last night was listening to BB tell me how it sounds like me and LF get on really well and we should be together.
See he knew that we'd been together and it was only right that he knew he was coming to visit, and I didnt really say much about his visit, just telling him about the cut head/long-lost sister of the elephant man incident, which was probably the funniest moment of his whole stay.
So that was funny too cos I tried to wonder what would happen if he knew the truth behind it all and I wanted to tell him to find out the male perspective. (asked STF, he just told me I should have shagged him and then worried about it the next day)
Anyway. Don't care, gotta tidy my room, A bomb quite literally hit it and I need to do some work or have a nap, whatever sounds best and costs me the least amount of money.

I'm filling in some of the details from Wednesday night just so I can remember how it was and see if it makes any more sense to me in a few weeks, still kinda confused now but I dont care any more.

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