Monday, January 31, 2005

I got up early to go to Woolwich, I printed the little bit of paper off, it says either take this to a desk or phone jobseekers direct.
Me - approaching a empty desk, with a bored looking bloke on it.
"Hi can you help me?"
"Ring the number, i'm not interested."
So I try to use the phones in the centre but no good
So I toddle off home, grumpily, cos I could have done all this at home.

Nanny and Granddad come round and what with showing them my ball pictures and cleaning the birds out and running an errand to Eltham - (one of my most hated, hated places here.)
I didn't get to ring till 2:30 and the job had been taken off the register, sure maybe it would have been to late that morning but if they'd bothered to help....
Who knows?
At least the guy on the phone tried to help, he looked in his register for me for zoology and data entry jobs, even if it was useless.
Still always tomorrow right?
And speaking of that, the text war between me and the LF has already started

1 comment:

Flash said...

Oh dear.
Still, at least you got a nice draw in the cup, eh?
Silver lining?