Saturday, January 15, 2005

We won!
We beat the scummy west Midlanders 3-1! (whoo bit of midlands rivalery kicking in there!)
What the hell's going on in that our defender is our leading striker!?
First goal was a right good-un, look out for it on MOTD! El Karkouri taking yet another fab free-kick, and we saw Bartlett come in for a header and wasn't sure if it connected or not, but I was SOOO convinced the ball had just trickled behind the goal.
E had to drag me up of my seat, so convinced was I.
And we saw Chris Kamara at the end of the game walking down the block of steps next to us, was so gutted I didn't have a pen or my phone with me!
My graduate hat came today, been wearing it all day, was almost definately going to take it to wear at football!
That was timed pretty well, next Saturday! Charlton's away that weekend.
I need to get away, I need a holiday, I can't take the constant stress and hassle and getting at that I get here. Only thing is I can't afford it, how the hell am I going to survive the next year here?

1 comment:

Flash said...

I know the feeling, I'd love just to get away for even a day or two. Just to do something different, to be completly independent. I know you're reasons differ but i think it amounts to the smae feeling.