Monday, June 20, 2005

Once again I have proved that my family is Unlucky.
Everything happens to us.
I return home from a dreadful driving lesson, where I am ready to chuck the whole thing in and resign myself to a lifetime of public transport and am greeted by The Brat.
"Mum and Dad are back from Radiotherapy, but now they've gone to the QE."
"They needed A&E."
"Oh. Ok. Why?"
"Some Land-rover Nobhead wrote the car off while they were in it."
"Fair enough. Cup of tea?"
I'm waiting to see exactly what the damage is now. And looking for my bastarding Driving info or I'll never know when the next test is.

22.23. I forgot to update. My folks are fine, apart from a bit of whiplash and shock, the car that they were travelling in was updated, luckily it wasn't our car, but the one that is used to take them up to the hospital.

1 comment:

Flash said...

They should get a few quid out of that!