Friday, May 27, 2005

It's Bambi!" I shriek!
"Two Bambi's." E agreed.
There's actually a lot more than that in Greenwich Park.
We had a lot to celebrate. Not only was it the Hottest day of the year, but E has a new job and I am celebrating 13 weeks of unemployment.
So a Pub Crawl seemed the perfect way to celebrate the day.
We started in the Cutty Sark, moving on to The Yacht, before finding a Scream Pub and my Trusty Yellow Card came into it's own again, which is why we decided to stay there.
We decided to moderate our Alcohol intake by alternating the drinks with Ice-cream.
5 drinks later, (and two ice creams). We're feeling mildly pissed (I blame the hot weather) and Greenwich Park seemed the way forward, so armed with Ice-cream we climbed the hill and found ourselves barefoot in the Deer Enclosure.
"Dare you to climb over?"
E considered the three fences but declined politely.
"So where's the deer hiding?" I demanded and E pointed them out to me, in the corner in the shade.
"Oh Look Bambi's moving!" I called.
A few minutes later.
"6 Bambi's!" I crowed, looking at the Fallow Deer.
"Actually there's 5." E corrected.
"Bollocks. Look, two over there, two there, and one standing that makes 6."
"In what fucked up world does 2+2+1=6?"
"It does.... Oh shit wait. You're right."
We decided to reconvene at the duck pond and then walk back to The Standard and the Chippie.

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