Monday, March 21, 2005

There appears to be a rather elderly black pony in my room, wrapped in a duvet of plastic.
It's a bit inconvient, He's blocking the way to my sock drawer and I've kicked it twice in bare feet. (My foot bled the second time - Ow!)


shorty said...

"Elderly black pony"

Is that a cover up for something else??

If not, wtf are you talking about?

I love your blog, but sometimes I feel like I need a decoder to get thru it. LOL : )

Charby said...

It's not a cover-up, its the truth!
There is a elderly black pony in my room.
His name is Champ and he's wearing a nice red saddle and bridle.
(He's my rocking horse that I've owned since I was 3)