Sunday, August 07, 2005

Well, that turned out to be in between of a huge giggle and possibly the most embarrassing thing ever.
I had the most fantastic bruises and cut lip and another on my boob.
I'll post a few of the better non-nude ones when GT sends them this way, but they will only be up a maximum of 24 hours before coming down again, so get your peeping eyes ready for when they are up (and i'll give warning.)

Tomorrow I take a trip to Bristol, to visit CL and UDOBF.
I shall be back wednesday night as its driving test number 10/11 (depending on your point of view) on the Thursday.

So let's leave you all now with a game, my version of Ask Flash. Only obviously it'll be Ask Charby.
Anything you wanna ask, I'll answer with the obvious exception of real names and addresses. So until Wednesday, say 7pm. Post any and as many random questions as you like and I'll try and answer.
Have a great week all!


Flash said...

Hmmm...I'll be back with questions.

HistoryGeek said...

My fall-back question is always, who would you love to have dinner with (anyone, ever) and what would you ask them?

We won't discuss the peanut butter issue...

Cat person or dog person?

HistoryGeek said...

Oh, and...

Is there fog in London?

Have you seen the queen?

Dang, where are all the peeps this week. Everyone must be on vacation.

Flash said...

What super-power would you have?
Would you use it for good or for your own twisted needs?
And what would your superhero/villian name be?