Monday, May 08, 2006

I fucking hate [insert name of well known health food shop here]

They're bastards, cunts, trampwanky, bollocking, duckfucking twunts.
I can handle getting threatened, I can handle getting the blame when chavs come on the rob, I can handle the fact that the customers drive me mad with their crazy complaints - Oh I really need to tell you about the woman who demanded me to treat her kids rash when even doctors didnt even know what it was, how the fuck am I gonna know Lady? Honestly!
I can handle the fact that I'm still in a borrowed shirt after my uniform was ordered two weeks after joining the company and others newer than me have their shirts a few days after ordering it.
My shirt is sewn back together after every wash and held together with sellotape!
But! What I can't handle is the fact that the cunts are on the rob!
That poxy exam I did to earn commission? I may have mentioned it somewhere...
Well my area manager went through it all with me, so I knew I had passed, then they gave the results back and apparently I failed, and then later that shift told me there'd been a mistake and I'd really passed! Whoo! I thought and eagerly awaited commision which should have been paid two weeks ago.
Well its still not been paid in, so today I consulted my Big Boss Lady who went on the hunt to find out about it.
Well there's no record of me ever attempting the exam on the computer. They're telling me I've never done it and I have two weeks to learn a new exam with the knowledge that I need to get 90% to pass and haven't even been given the shit to learn!
I'm fucking sick of that place! Grrr!
Time to find a new job?


Flash said...

Piss flaps!!!

Charby said...

Damn! I knew I forgot a swear word!

shorty said...

I guess you should look, but I'd get all the money due to you in hand before you quit, otherwise they might not even be a record you ever worked there.

Also, make sure you buy your tickets for next season.

Then quit if you still want to.

Sounds like an ice cream day!

adem said...

Ah, the wonders of mismanagement, and companies run badly.

Did you offend the computer at anytime?? I think it's getting it's own back on you.

Charby said...

Shorty - that money owed to me is gone! Vamooshed!
Never to be seen again! Same to May's money.

And lets not get started on my mood when I got home and saw the England squad....