Sunday, July 30, 2006

So! The Mothership has gone into hospital today for her hysterectomy (sp?).
And Guess who now becomes Offical Next Of Kin?
Just think of all the things I could sign her up for. Voicebox? Yeah whip it out while you're there she dont need that. Two legs? Bah thats just greedy!
Of course, the downside to this is she's out of action for the week and probably the remainder of the summer.
And The Brat, being unable to cope with this, has reverted as he always does to Incredible levels of Brattishness.
He has already informed me, that he doesnt not plan to do any of the housework or help when she comes out.
It was all we could do to convince him to take us to the QE, and he just dumped us at the hospital, and didnt come in or come to pick me up.
Unless he goes through a change of heart, I imagine the next time Mum will see him will be after I bully and hassle him into agreeing to come pick her up.
Brothers! Sheesh! Are they always this lazy and self-centred?


HistoryGeek said...

Hmmmm...actually, this sounds a lot like my sister! Many years ago, when my mother was in the hospital, she said something along the lines of "you know she only does this to get attention, don't you?!" Bah!

Flash said...

My sister would probably say yes.

shorty said...

Luckily my brother does help out when he can. Though I live closer to our parents and so I get called on more, but when I can't do something, he will pitch in.

Then again, he's older. Maybe it's just younger brothers?

Wait, Flash is the older one....Hmmmm. Then again, Flash always goes against the grain.

Can't help you Charbs. Just give him lots of nuggies.

Red Squirrel said...

Don't kick him! Last time my older sister tried that she broke her foot and I was forced to wait on her for two weeks.

Then again.....