Friday, August 19, 2022

 Practically September!!! 

I am now 39! 39! Which means this blog has been recording my life off and on for nearly TWENTY years! TWENTY!!!
Its like the longest relationship I've ever had!

So an update is completely overdue, especially as it was May the last time I wrote anything. Mrs Collie has settled into flyball competing life - she will have been with me three years next week.

Mrs Spaniel is amazing as she always is, a bit grey in the muzzle now and starting to stiffen up, but she's still game for most adventures!

In July I got the all clear from Physio. I think about riding again, but petrol, which hit a scary 1.91 a few weeks back is still 1.71 and when it was 1.15 I was putting 40 quid in every nine days so in all honesty I don't think I can afford the petrol to take it back up. I am also quite liking the not rushing around everywhere every night.

Work lets us stay at home two days a week, sometimes I'm really busy. Others, I've finished what I need to do by 10.30 and then dick about online for the rest of the day. I hated the job at the H&S company for the lack of work, but it helps here that i'm either at home or sat alone so no one can tell what I'm doing.

I'm still tapping away at the debts. In March I owed 10.6k in various loans and credit cards. I'm now down to 8.5k just on credit cards. I'd love, love to get it down to at least 7k by Christmas. We will see. I've cancelled two cards completely and alright I can only afford minimum repayments but at least having cancelled the cards I don't have the temptation to spend them.

 I'm living on a 50 pound a week budget - some people wonder how I do on so little - but I used to have less than that a month!

CL is in London this weekend with her kids, I'll be catching up with them at the SkyGarden on Sunday.

And the final update is that I've started seeing someone. He has the same first and middle name as Welshy, so I think for Blog Purposes I'll christen him E2.0 - which is actually what he is saved in my phone as!

He messaged me off of an online dating site. I replied as I was bored, its expanded. He's sweet, kind and shy although its not been a full two months yet - so I guess he's on his best behaviour!

The sex is up and down - He's amazing at the foreplay stuff, not so brilliant at the other bit but its more than made up for beforehand.

He works for the NHS and is two years older than me. He has his own house close to me and unlike me has clearly had his head screwed on and ticked every box as he got his degree paid for, worked through it, works for same NHS Trust forever and has bought his home.

For my birthday he bought us speedboat tickets to ride up and down the Thames - so much fun! And took me out for a meal and many drinks.

Another reason why I'm dithering on the side of taking up horses again. Obedience, agility and flyball take up so much time and I'm quite conscious that he's never had a pet and I need to rush off in the mornings to walk and feed these, or leave early from nights out because of competing this morning. At the moment it's not an issue and they will always come first but its a balancing act! Think it would be easier if I had real kids as that's a bit more socially acceptable!

But at the moment I'm trying to just look on this as fun and see what happens, its not a FWB situation and organically growing into something else maybe? 


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