Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm tired. I'm tired of being The Entertainer at work, at picking up all the dirty boring jobs no one else wants. I'm tired of job hunting and not seeing anything I want to do and being told that I can't work in other departments as my four years of staring at the Collections means I don't know enough about them.
I'm tired of being poor. I'm tired of worrying about money and I'm tired of living at home.
I wish I was more thick-skinned and could laugh of every hidden insult. Every time its insinuated that I'm an awful person, I wish I didn't take it to heart and try and be a better person.

I'm tired of Welshy's inability to grow up and look for real work and I'm most of all tired of trying to buy nice plants and tidy our garden up only to have cats and squirrels rip up all of my efforts and money.

Think I need a Holiday.... Roll on June and my week in a Teepee!


Anonymous said...

Hi Charbs

It's R

Remember me from a few years ago ?

That week I spent crossing the Atlantic to visit your friends in the US, only to find I was on the Woolwich Ferry. I'm still traumatised by the physical abuse sustained at the time.

Where've all those bloggers gone. A couple from the US and Flash.

No-one seems to comment anymore !

Does that say more about them or you ?!

I thought you'd have travelled the world/found a great job/settled down/got married/had children.

Where did it all go wrong ?

Charby said...

Hahahaha! R! I do remember you! Funny times. I don't know what happenened to Flash and the rest of my little internet chums. I guess they got lives!

I've travelled a bit! Kinda settled down.... I dunno where its going wrong job wise! You need to do some catching up as to the whereabouts of my adventures!!!!

Hopeful ... but losing hope. said...

Hey. I'm tired of job hunting, tired of toddler groups, tired of just having enough money for everything and nothing spare. So I echo your post. Time for some fun. I'll come and visit for a day. :-)