Sunday, October 07, 2007

today at work. i pretty much spent the day breaking open Sweet Chestnuts that fell from the tree and either eating them or feeding them to squirrels.
Its nice to know I earn my money!
Also I overheard this snippet of conversation:

"Of course, the food tasted better there as its a smaller house"

What the hell?! where and how does that work? and how do you work out what a small house is? do you do it by number of rooms? whether its a flat or bungalow? or by cubic feet?


Cody Bones said...

Don't ask me, I don't even understand you half the time, and we supposedly speak the same language.

HistoryGeek said...

I suppose a smaller house wouldn't have to make food in bulk?

Just a guess.

Red Squirrel said...

And why is it called a bungalow?

Because one day they ran out of bricks halfway through building a house and didn't know what to do. So the foreman said, "finish off that brickwork and then bung a low roof on top of it!"
