Monday, May 13, 2019

I dont even know who I am apologising to, for not updating this. Does anyone still look at this apart from H2 and myself? Do say hi - anonymously if you prefer - but curiosity is getting better of me!

I lost my job, last week it was relief and I felt like I was on holiday, this week the reality is starting to sink in.
Had an interview today, job would be ok, is local and fairly interesting but means a 3k paycut and an extra hour a day working. Plus petrol as it involves driving around a lot.
I have the second interview on Thursday. I do feel like it'll be offered to me. I am gonna have to go balls out and tell them if they offer it to me, that I can't live on that little, nor do those hours.
We will see.

Dog of course has been loving me being off, we have covered close to 16 miles last week, and did a two day flyball comp, we won one day and came no where the second, but I was dead proud of her as I lent her to a super shy kid who has been hanging about to run. She was loving it and of course Dog doesnt care who runs her, its just other dogs thats an issue.

Ran her this weekend and FWB's dog. who didnt run well for me. 3rd place with FWB and 4th with mine.
I went to collect her and he was at the door with a girl. I convinced myself he'd slept with her the night before, but really now. I think she was his uber driver! Who knows?

I've walked his dogs with mine three days last week and he paid me for it, which was nice and has paid for my entry for a couple of comps too.
He still claims he is going at the end of May - so his last comp is this weekend. I wish it wasn't the case. We will see. I booked a hotel room, to pay later just in case.

Went to pub with boys to watch the Charlton playoff game and then last game of season and now I have that uneasy nagging feeling about how much I spent and how little I have coming in.....

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