I've been so busy lately! Been working loads, managed to get my Bahamas application in, so now its a case of waiting and seeing, fingers crossed.
Selica is turning out to be hard work, I'm starting to fall in love with her and I kinda see myself as her Social Worker or something. Me and my Instructor both believe she's been badly abused in the past and is slowly coming out of her shell and wants someone to love her.
She's a very affectionate thing, who loves cuddles, but is still very nervous and skittish, She dislikes me moving my arms near her face which is where I think she's been beaten, but she loves getting her throat scratched. To ride she's a bit of a baby, she needs constant reassurance to be told she's doing the right thing and if you push her beyond what she's capable of, or give her confused signals, she's inclined to panic and either stop dead or just take off at a million miles an hour.
She's been schooled really badly too, and canters in a really poor "disunited way" so that's something else I need to work on with her, and teach her how to canter in the correct way. But I love it and I feel like I can learn a lot from her as well.
I've started a new volunteer job with the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) mainly involves me standing around on events and shows and harassing people to join up, maybe it'll help me get a job, maybe not. We'll see.
Job hunting is going so poorly lately, I guess its the whole climate of things and the time, no one wants to be looking for a new job near Christmas, I did apply for a job in the West Midlands but I'm hopelessly under-experienced for it.
Welshy is good, still jobless but its great having him here and hopefully he'll get employed soon!
On a slightly selfish note, I'm annoyed that those terrorists have gone crazy out in India, I was really hoping to book a trip out there, either this weekend or next week and now it may not be safe.
Ho hum.