Saturday, February 04, 2006

Spending two hours washing shelves at work doesnt make a happy Saturday!
Especially when we rewind a few hours to Friday night.
~~~~~~~~ Flashback!~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Welshy, bouyed by the fact that we had succesfully met and not hated each other on sight, had made plans for another night out.
So we met in Wetherspoons in Greenwich and commenced anothe drinking marathon, several cocktails later we made our way out of Wetherspoons and started working our way through the motley collection of drinking establishments until we found ourselves in The Trafalgar.
"They do absenthe!"
"What's that?"
"Its a shot."
"Ooh I have no power at handling shots at all, nope, no way, I've learnt my lesson the hard way."
"Well you don't have to have one, I wasn't expecting you too. But next time you head to the bar can you get one."
I thought and considered and then decided to take his word as a challenge, one of those "You're a girl and therefore I don't expect you to be able to do this" sorta thing, and we all know I refuse to refuse a challenge so I brought an absenthe too.
I felt a little ill when approaching The Yacht so had sticky pudding, and then Welshy's apple crumble.
4 drinks later and I decided I was really ill and I should stop drinking and remember for the next time that shots are a bad idea and absenthe can go on my list of drinks never to drink again.


Hyde said...

Oh no! I also can never turn down a challenge like that. But I guess you just have to live and learn...

bod said...

just another one of those never again times!