Tuesday, February 14, 2006

By law we're not allowed to sell our herbal druggy capsule things to pregnant women, through fear of miscarriages or birth defects.
It seems a perfectly reasonable thing to explain to people and I've not had any problems until today.
I had some rather crazy or hormonal lady come to me wanting Ginseng.
She was perhaps 7 or 8 months pregnant and seemed perfectly reasonable....

Until I explained that she couldn't take it and then she exploded into a magnificent mardy!
"Don't you dare tell me what I can and cannot take! I know my body! You do not! Don't you dare try and advise me"
On and on until I really felt she was going to twat me with her handbag.
So in the end I sold it to and then said a silent prayer that her baby will be born with a tail and three eyes.


Flash said...

ooh, your a meanie!

HistoryGeek said...

I think at that point the eyes are full developed, but we can hope for some tail growth, surely.

HistoryGeek said...

Oh, and why is your store leaving it to the cashiers to explain the law. There should be signs you can point to and say, "I'd love to sell it to you, but I'll lose my job." Or some such thing.