Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Oooh My Dad's getting a wheelchair!

No stairlift though, which disappoints me, I was looking forward to bezzing up and down on one of those.


HistoryGeek said...

Woohoo! Wheelies in the streets for dad.

Flash said...

Bezzing - he he he

Hyde said...

I agree-- a stairlift would have been fun to play with. I hope he's doing okay!


Alex said...

Stairlifts are over-ratted.

My mum had one, and it was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally slow and boring. It was useful however when we moved house, as we used the spare rooms at mums house to store boxes whilst we were moving. Boxes could be moved upstairs without effort by putting the box on the chair and hitting the button!

Charby said...

Spins, that was my exact first thought, only with me doing the wheely!

Hyde he's not doing too great, but I might blog about that later.

Alex that was my plan, so I didnt have to go running up and downstairs everytime he wants something, I could just send it up.

Babs said...

My Da didn't get a wheelchair.

He did, however, get those polio-type double arm canes and we used to race with them while he napped.

I think you're right, though, wheelies are the way to go!!