Wednesday, October 02, 2013

On Friday she wanted me to call in sick so she could spend the day with him. I refused. She's walked him to the school gates every day. It would be pretty fucking obvious don'tcha think?
Anyway. To take revenge for this, she decided that they would go to a show. Which is fine except my Godfather was visiting and expected someone to be home to let him in. And she told me at 6.15. When I was halfway to the yard. I had to quickly muck out and return home so my poor Godfather wasn't sat on the doorstep.
Anyhow. Welshy is back now. Yay! Boy has committed to staying her - I fail to see how it would work. He is a messy cunt. We all know this. He is lazy and filthy.

On Sunday me and Welshy will go to Dubai! I am very excited! We plan on renting dune buggies and going a bit mental!!

And most excitingly of all, yesterday I was offered a new job!!!!!
The one in Bank so hellish commute, and its till 5.30 which is sad but 18k a year which means I'm not going to be so desperately poor come Feb! I will still be at the yard by 7 pm which is sad, especially now the nights are rapidly drawing in but hey ho! I am very excited. Hoping for the contract to arrive tomorrow so I can get my notice in before I go away.

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