Sunday, April 08, 2007

I've been keeping this Blog now for three years! Can you imagine that?
I've always wanted to keep a journal or diary of some sort, but all the ones I wrote on paper got found, by parents or evil little brothers who still leaf through my drawers and look in my notebooks.
So after Dad had his first Cancer op and the life insurance paid out, they brought me a laptop to help me with my uni work and it was awesome, with just a wee password. I could write my little stories, and keep a diary and then I stumbled across the now defunct CASINO AVENUE and I was hooked and I attempted to keep one of my own, and that lasted two months, perhaps, on and off. And then I decided to start brand new and keep it going.
And I did! And I cringe a little at the early entries in here, but I'm dead proud of them and I wouldnt edit them or change them at all.
It was important at first to post everyday, and it was easy to do that, there was always something going on, something interesting, something I wanted to be able to remember.
And I came home from uni and my world fell apart again, and I came back to uni and I poured everything into here, and I re-read my posts from then and I remember exactly how terrified I was of everything, how I'd cry myself to sleep, how my Lads, bless them, tried to help in their own way, not sure getting me drunk most nights was the best way to deal with it, cos it certainly affected my studies!
And I came home and I still used this to try and organise my feelings and thoughts, I might not have mentioned it, but each post I can tell exactly at which stage of his life Dad was at and what he was able to do.
And suddenly this place lost its importance, a lot of things did, I guess that's natural and it became less and less important that I blogged about what I did each day, it didnt seem important and it was boring, how can you record each day when your life is ruled by Neighbours and Diagnosis Murder?
Somehow I fell out of practise. Not only of doing this but commenting on my BlogFriends posts, and its still not important that I get back to it.
Perhaps I should quit it altogether, but I love my blog like a proud parent, I love how its recorded how I've changed over the last three years.
So what I think I'm trying to say is that I'm not going to be updating as regularly (and its been a long time since it was everyday) as I used to be, only when something extremely dramatic happens, or unless my life changes in a way to make it more interesting to write about.


Flash said...

I know how you feel, blogging has becoming something of a chore sometimes, but I can not & will not let go.
Nor should you.

HistoryGeek said...

I think that our blogs become different things for us at different times. For me it is a lovely check-in and record that I wouldn't otherwise have kept.

I hope you do keep checking in with us, even if you aren't updating as often.

adem said...

I've been through spells where I've not blogged anything of substance, or have gone through barren patches, but I do like the history of my blog, and can look through the archives of the past few years.

Never feel you have to blog, but check in from time to time so that we know how you're getting on.

shorty said...

I echo what all three of them have said.

I've been there almost from the beginning.

I would hate to see you leave, you are like family to me.

weenie said...

Blogs evolve and change as the writer/blogger evolves and changes. I'll continue checking in to see what you're up to anyway!