Tuesday, August 15, 2006

So it was a fairly nice birthday, pretty quiet which was what I wanted.
My grandparents gave me a hundred quid too, which The Brat matched to put aside for my trip, which is ace.
Today I also got a card from Dad's Mum.
Apart from one attention-seeking phone call a week or so ago, we've not heard anything from that side of tha family, but who cares? Amused to see that the card was posted and not actually brought round to me but that's not my problem.

So what did I do on my birthday?

Well in a fit of madness (and possibly slightly drunkenness) I applied for a two week volunteer position in Bristol, working with young foals.
The woman emailed me back today and seemed pretty keen on having me, so if I can get my two weeks holiday sorted from the shop I guess that's what I'll be doing!!!
I'm pretty chuffed about it really, I miss hanging round the stables, and I've never really spent that much time around young foals.
And these will be reaching the age of teenagerdom, all lanky legs and spotty and wanting to be stroppy and stay out late and smoke at bus stops.
So they'll be pretty cute.
And as I'll be in the back of beyond, spending money will be virtually impossible (unless these foals talk me into buying them fags from the local cornershop), accomodation and food is all thrown in, so it'll be like a holiday!
Only with baby horses! And it'll look great on the CV and did I mention the cute little baby horses?
So hopefully I'll be able to arrange time away from work and the Aquarium and go play!


HistoryGeek said...

Better watch out, though...You never know what trouble those teenage horses can get into!

weenie said...

Baby animals are just so cute!

shorty said...

Have fun!

What animal did you say it was again? : )

Red Squirrel said...

Coooommme to Bristol, Buuuuuuyyy me a beer....