Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Todays Fun Fishy Fact!

Chiclid fish have oral sex, oh yes, only the females get the benefit though, and males build sandcastles to show off to the females!
Its a bit disturbing when one of your workmates greet you in the morning with that piece of information!

To prevent boredom setting in between now, and The WC I have decided to build an aviary for my feathered friends to play in!
I've almost even talked the Mothership into letting me have a quail oh yes!
Course, if its a male quail, the only name for him shall be Quentin


HistoryGeek said...

Clever females to have gotten the species to move in that direction.

shorty said...

I want to be a chiclid fish!

Flash said...

I do not!
Building sandcastles? Those guys have got it so wrong!

weenie said...

LOL, what a great fishy fact!