Monday, April 10, 2006

We've not done it for a while so here's Conversations with My Customers part 4/5/6?

ring, ring.

Me. "Hello [insert well known health food shop name here] Woolwich"
C. "Yeah, has my wife been in yet?"
Me. "Excuse me?"
C. "Yeah, she came in and was gonna buy some Aloe Vera (This might be an British thing but does anyone else subsitute that for a 'allo Vera in a parrot voice?)
So do you think we get only one or two customers a day and can remember everything purchased? Stupid fucking idiot.

C. "Yeah I want these banana chips"
Me. "That's 93p please"
C. "Er no, they're 74p"
Me. "Show me?"
C. "Here."
Me. "Yeah, you know the Papaya next door to it? That's 74p"
You stupid fucking cunty cunt. Can you not tell the difference? Can you not read the giant pink sign?!

C. "I want these orange flavoured teabags."
Me. "£1.19 please."
C. "I thought they were £1.09, I'm not paying that!"
Two minutes later, the same customers return with a £4.99 bottle of cod liver pills, whilst looking for their (exact) money, they pull out a wod and I mean a wod of cash, all fifties, there must have been over £2oooo there.
My first thought is who did they rob/steal to get that money, (come on it is Woolwich!) and only when they leave I wonder why they made such a fuss over 10 fucking pence.


Hyde said...

Hey, at least they're keeping you entertained!


Flash said...

Donuts, the lot of 'em