Monday, August 15, 2005

I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory!
I was a bit gutted there was no "oompa-loompa-doobie-dee-do" song but on the whole I think I like it better than the first one.
Apart from the dodgey flashback bits and the last 5 minutes at the end. That was bad.
I then came home and proceeded to drink an obscene amount of alcohol and then went to visit blogs so if anyone has dodgey comments. I apologise now.
I'm offically out of my overdraft today!
I'd like to thank all the relatives that contributed to birthday money presents and all the taxpayers out there that provide me with Jobseekers money and Carers allowance.

To celebrate this, I'm going on holiday - again! This time for a short break in Scotland to visit TP who I also have not seen since January and TJ since November!

I'm also bouncing round the house, humming "We are top of the league! We are top of the league!"


HistoryGeek said...

I am amused that whenever you choose to comment on blogs when you are promptly state that you are drunk. And I don't think it's the dodgy comments you need to worry about, so much as the dodgy types that ensue.

I'm glad it was a wonderful birthday. And yay! for Scotland.

Charby said...

Its kinda an apology for anything random that I might put.
Except then I realise I dont have anything to say and disappear again, giggling to myself about my drunken antics..
Really I'm like a 12 year old getting drunk on cheap cider at the bus stop. One day i'll grow up!

HistoryGeek said...

Okay, I just have to laugh at myself....that "types" in my comment was meant to be "typos" and the typo completely changes the flavor, I think!

Here in the states it's Boon's Hill wine (or wine coolers) for the young drinker. Blasted stuff gives you the worst hangover. How did any of us survive?

Flash said...

It's all good charbs!

In my drunken comment you opened with "Hey Stinky!"
Thanks for that!

feitclub said...

I enjoyed it even though I don't think it was a very good movie. I guess it was just an impressive spectacle to watch, plus I like Johnny Depp.

But yeah, what was up with that whole Christopher Lee stuff? Nothing against Mr. Lee, who is awesome, but that whole thing didn't make much sense to me. And considering their whole mantra in making this one was "we're going to stick to the original book," why did they add that superfluous backstory?

weenie said...

Hurrah for getting out of your overdraft! I remember that feeling, what a relief!

Unfortunately for me, I don't recall a year since I've started working where I haven't dipped into the overdraft...

And credit cards? Stay away from them!